Thursday 7 May 2009

poster advertisments

This is our poster that would be used if we were to advertise our poster for cinema release. This would be placed in cinemas around the world, it could also be seen on bus posters and billboards that are placed in large cities.

We have tried to make the poster look like other horror posters with a 50s style.
We have got the same layout as this poster with the charcters in the corner and the large threat that covers up most of the page. Our colours contrast with the ones of the Mantis as ours is more of a torture horror, while their's is an older one which is used to attract passers by.
Both of our typefaces match the theme of our story, ours is the dripping blood which reflects the violence of the events that occur in the movie, while Mantis poster does the same by chaning the font to suit the monster.

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